Verdragend Landschap - Peeled Collective

Verdragend Landschap (in progress)
Verdragend Landschap is a dance performance. In this duet we see two bodies that have been lived. What has
been left behind in them, what ruins are rotting deep beneath the surface and what does the surface look
like now? How is their skin, the environment and the landscape where they grew up, carried ? And how do
they carry each other? An apparent symbiosis of different landscapes that come into sharp focus as soon as
a stone is lifted, a flood occurs, new people arrive or when everything is abandoned.
Creation: Peeled Collective
Performers: Emma Hanekroot, Emma Versluys
Text: Emma Hanekroot
Music Composition: Merit Vessies
Dramaturg: Merit Vessies
Verdragend Landschap performance was made possible with the support of Cultuur Oost, Erfgoed
Gelderland, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Province of Gelderland, Verhaal van Gelderland.
26 - 27.08.2023 Premiere, Verhaal van Gelderland Festival, Vaassen
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